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Table of Contents

Terms and abbreviations

Terms or abbreviations

Namespacebla bla 


Service name

Cloudist S3


Service overview

Cloudist S3 provides cloud native object storage as a service. The service utilizes the HTTP protocol S3 API and therefore is very easy to set up and consume. Each customer will get their own "Namespace" and within can control buckets and object users


Service features and functions



  • Customers can enable or disable their organization namespace as an S3 Service consumer through the portal. Cloudist Portal.
  • Default quota per namespace is 10TB (10.000 GB) and is expandable.


  • Customers can set create, modify and manage delete buckets as well as object users.
  • Customers can use S3 API calls to manage buckets, objects and users, see DellEMC REST API documentation. 
  • Customers can create a generate secret access key keys and manage all credentials needed for the service to be consumed.
  • Default quota is set to 10TB (10.000 GB) and can easaly be change over time. 
  • Only the average usage per month will be chargedin the Cloudist Portal. Access keys are not stored in the Cloudist Portal, customer needs to store the key themself if needed.
  • Bucket space limits and data retention time is set per bucket by customer on creation, but can be changed over time if needed. 
  • Aggregated space usage for all buckets can never exceed namespace quota.


Service prerequisites

  • Customer needs network connection with Internet access to have account created in Cloudist Portal
  • Customer needs to have an Internet connection to be able to connect to access the service
  • Customer needs to have an active organization (Namespace) read, accepted and adhere to Terms & Conditions for service Cloudist S3.


Service dependencies

  • The ECS platform needs to be online and have a connection to the internet through the LoadbalancersDNS and certificate need to be valid and correct.


Service options

  • N/A


Service delivery


Service availability target is 99.3% of uptime, measured as an average of Service Level Agreement availability targets.

"Data durability

Beskriv hur skyddat data är och vad kunden själv kan göra."


Service support

Documentation is found on 
