Observe the progress of the replication
Initiating a Failover
Once the first replication has completed, further replications will continue as definid by the chosen SLA Profile.
If or when the time comes to fail over the virtual machine:
Select the correct virtual machine and click on the Fail Over icon (available also via All Actions menu
Choose whether to
Consolidate VM disks
Power on the VM
Connect to a VCD network or keep preconfigured settings
Choose a recovery instance to failover from and click Next
Info |
Numerous recovery instances will be available based on the SLA Profile you have chosen and the length of time the protection job has ran for |
Review the summary and click Finish to complete
Info |
During a failover the assumption is that the source VM is no longer available. The failover job will not attempt to shut down the source VM |
Observe the progress of the failover
Once completed, go back to Data Centers and the target VDC and find the failed over virtual machine